
Hear from our Community of patients living with AAV in Australia

It took my hair, it took my eyebrows, it took the colour from my skin. It took about ten kilograms from my body.

The diagnosis of AAV is challenging because symptoms are so varied.

If patients believe they have AAV but are yet to be diagnosed, being aware of the potential symptoms and discussing them with a doctor to see whether it will speed up diagnosis will be helpful. Patients should not need to feel embarrassed discussing their health issues with a doctor as even the smallest of symptoms can be very useful in helping them to understand your disease.

A successful diagnosis of AAV requires a very careful and systematic approach.1 Doctors will perform a combination of tests and consider the patient’s medical before diagnosing AAV.2,3


Tests for AAV may include:2,3

  • Blood tests for ANCA, inflammatory markers and kidney function
  • Biopsy
  • Urine tests
  • Imaging procedures

Following diagnosis, some patients may experience a long period of frustration and anxiety, while other patients may experience relief that the disease has been identified.4

When treatment begins, patients may experience a period of some confusion, uncertainty, fear, and fatigue. Some may also experience distress and isolation during the initial intensive treatment period. However, there may also be relief that action is being taken.4,5



The initial goal of treatment is to achieve remission to get the disease under control by using a combination of therapies. This is known as induction of remission.1

Long-established treatment options rely upon suppressing the immune system. It is common that a number of medications are used to suppress the immune system in different ways.

Your doctor will discuss with you different approaches and what you should expect.

Some of these approaches may require an infusion into your vein and others will be regular medication taken by mouth.

How can I take an active role in my treatment?

Actively monitoring AAV between clinic visits can help patients better understand their disease and help spot the signs of any possible relapses.

Some patients keep a diary to track their symptoms. 

Use the Action Plan checklist below to help reduce the impact of AAV on your everyday life:2

Take medicines as prescribed by your doctor.
Try to take steps to avoid infection (such as washing hands) and get vaccinated when needed.
Keep up with all doctor visits and health-related exams.
Track and report progress with your doctor, such as positive changes, symptoms and treatment side-effects.
Report any serious concerns to your doctor promptly.
Try to eat healthy foods to support overall wellness.
Stay active and try to maintain valued roles (parenting, work, hobbies).
Adjust your routine when needed, and consider what you can do to manage symptoms, treatment, and other self-care needs.